My breast cancer journey began nine years ago. I had absolutely no inkling I may have had breast cancer – not a single clue! It was discovered at my regular Breast Screen NSW visit. 

I had had the screening and went on holiday. When I returned, there was a message from Royal North Shore Hospital Breast Screen Unit telling me I needed to come in for a screening. My heart sank. I just knew from that moment that this was not going to be good news for me. As soon as I could, I got in for another screen. And so marked the start of my cancer journey …

Lessons Learnt On My Cancer Journey

To frame such a big lesson in a paragraph or two is impossible, but I’ve learned the preciousness of life must never be taken for granted. I love those close to me and hold them tight. I also started a regular Breast Cancer Support Group in my local area, to help support people who are going through the same journey. 

To read more about my journey, visit the Pink Hope website.

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