The Enneagram is a detailed tool which helps you recognise your personality traits in order to better understand yourself and others. It can also help you to reach your true potential, as you can tap into your strengths and work to shift any weaknesses. It can help you build better relationships and resolve conflicts in a more peaceful manner. It’s a simple concept to grasp initially, but the more you delve into it, the deeper the complexity and the greater the benefits.

The Enneagram Nine Personality Profiles

According to the Enneagram, there are nine basic personality types, each with its own set of distinct characteristics. While you’ll probably see a little of yourself in all nine of the types, one type will stand out as being closest to yourself. This is your basic (or home) personality type. Simply read the descriptions for each type and identify key words that best describe you

Once you’ve determined which type you are, you can use the Enneagram as a map of self-discovery and personal growth. The Enneagram will help you work out why you think, feel and behave in certain ways, based on your fears and desires.

How do I work out which type I am?

You can pay a small fee to take a quiz on websites such as, or you can study and research the descriptions of each personality type and work out which one you identify most closely with. I will be delving deeper into the traits of each Enneagram Personality Type in future blogs.


What are the personality types?

The nine personality types are named The Reformer, The Helper, The Achiever, The Individualist, The Investigator, The Loyalist, The Enthusiast, The Challenger and The Peacemaker. Each personality type comes with its own strengths, weaknesses, desires and fears. For a brief descriptor on each type, please see below.


Type One, The Reformer

Type ones are rational and idealistic. They are conscientious and ethical, with a strong moral compass. On the flip side, they can be critical, resentful and impatient.

Type Two, The Helper

Twos are kind, warm, empathic and generous. They are self-sacrificing and love to help others, but they can also become possessive and manipulative and may neglect their own needs.


Type Three, The Achiever

Threes are ambitious, pragmatic and highly driven. They like to feel valuable and are image-conscious. They may also be overly concerned about what others think of them.


Type Four, The Individualist

Fours are sensitive and introspective, as well as being honest and creative. They can sometimes withhold from others as they can feel vulnerable, and may also be moody and self-conscious.


Type Five, The Investigator


Type fives are intense, smart and insightful. They have strong levels of concentration and are able to develop complex ideas. On the flip side, they can become detached from others, highly-strung and even eccentric.


Type Six, The Loyalist

Sixes are reliable, hard-working, responsible and trustworthy. They like to feel secure and supported by those around them. They can also be cautious, indecisive, defiant and rebellious.


Type Seven, The Enthusiast

Sevens are extroverted, spontaneous and fun-loving. They constantly seek new and exciting experiences, which can result in them feeling over-extended and scattered. They can also be impatient and impulsive.


Type Eight, The Challenger

Type eights are confident, decisive and strong. They like to feel in control of situations, but can also be ego-centric, domineering and confrontational.


Type Nine, The Peacemaker

Nines are easy-going, stable, accepting and trusting. They are creative and optimistic, but may also be too willing to go along with others in order to keep the peace. Their chief desire is peace of mind while their fears are of loss and separation.

Stay tuned for longer reads soon, where I will delve into each Personality Type in more depth and discuss ways they can help you achieve your potential and goals.

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