Enneagram Type Five – The Investigator

Enneagram Type Five – The Investigator

Enneagram Type Five individuals are alert, insightful, and curious about the mysteries of the universe. They are generally non-conformist and independent, often minimising interaction with others to conserve their energy as they can feel drained by the outside world....
The Enneagram Type Four – The Individualist

The Enneagram Type Four – The Individualist

Enneagram Type Four individuals are sensitive and introspective. They are also quirky, self-aware and reserved. They are often creative and may stand out due to their unique way of dressing and presenting themselves. Offbeat and endearing, they have a strong sense of...
Enneagram Type Three – The Achiever

Enneagram Type Three – The Achiever

What is an Enneagram Type Three? Enneagram Type Three people are typically high achievers who love the finer things in life. They are highly productive and driven to succeed, but may be overly competitive or have a tendency to be workaholics. At times, they may also...
The Enneagram – What Is It All About?

The Enneagram – What Is It All About?

The Enneagram is a detailed tool which helps you recognise your personality traits in order to better understand yourself and others. It can also help you to reach your true potential, as you can tap into your strengths and work to shift any weaknesses. It can help...