Enneagram Type Three – The Achiever

Enneagram Type Three – The Achiever

What is an Enneagram Type Three? Enneagram Type Three people are typically high achievers who love the finer things in life. They are highly productive and driven to succeed, but may be overly competitive or have a tendency to be workaholics. At times, they may also...
Change – Actioning Positive Life Transformations

Change – Actioning Positive Life Transformations

Change. Some of us fear it. Many of us crave it, in fact most of us do at some point in our lives. This very fact signifies a glimmer of recognition, somewhere inside us, that something in our life isn’t working anymore. We may not know what that...
Couples Conflict And How To Resolve It

Couples Conflict And How To Resolve It

Couples Conflict. I’m guessing right about now, after goodness knows how many weeks we’ve been in Covid-19 Lockdown, this is a term many households are familiar with. So, how do we deal with it? Below are a few top line techniques I employ in my Couples...
Chaos or Control – Which Do You Choose?

Chaos or Control – Which Do You Choose?

Chaos or Control? Which way do you lean? Some folk absolutely relish, and perhaps even seek, situations which may look like outer chaos, upheaval and disarray to the rest of us. From an outsiders’ perspective it may look like they themselves, or indeed their...